Reference Books of Computer Skills Paper 2

computer skills

If you are looking for BFM Reference Books of Computer Skills Paper 2, then your search ends here as we present the list of books with the author names and publications.

Reference Books of Computer Skills Paper 2:

  1. Fundamentals of Computers- Rajaram V- Prentice Hall
  2. Computers Today- Sanders, Donald- Mc Graw Hill
  3. Computers- Subramaniam N- wheeler
  4. Computers in Business- Saners D Mc Graw hills
  5. Woody Leonhard, using Microsoft Office , Pearson
  6. PCSoftware Made Simple-R.K.Taxali
  7. Office 2013 complete reference – Stephen L.Nelson
  8. Quick course in Micro-soft office – Joyce Cox, Polly Orban
  9. Mastering Office 2013 – Gimi Couster
  10. Rajkamal, Internet and web Technologies, Tata McGraw Hill (2013)

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